
Posts Tagged ‘brasero’

Disable video and audio preview in Brasero disk burner

February 5, 2010 Leave a comment

Brasero disk burner has a new feature to show the preview of the video and audio files while choosing them for burning and it sometimes reduces the user’s ability to quickly select files for burning.For people who find the video and audio preview in the Brasero disk burner is annoying then this trick is for you.Brasero disk burner is the default disk burner in GNU/Linux distributions such as Ubuntu,Linux mint, Fedora, etc using the Gnome desktop environment. There’s no option to directly disable the preview viewer in the Brasero disk burner.Fortunately you can disable it using the gconf-editor.

For those who do not know about the gconf-editor , it is something similar to registry editor in windows .Various configurations of the Gnome desktop can be modified using the gconf-editor. To know what more can you do about the gconf-editor visit my earlier post about the gconf-editor here.

Now to disable the preview viewer in Brasero open gconf-editor by pressing Alt+F2 while and type in gconf-editor and press enter or open it by typing gconf-editor in terminal.After opening gconf-editor navigate to the following in the left pane:


Then in right pane there will be a key named viewer under the name column and a checkbox next to it in the value column ,just uncheck it to disable the preview viewer.If you want the previewer again just recheck it.

Alternatively,you can disable it using the command line tool named gconftool.To disable the previewer using gconftool open a terminal and type in the following:

gconftool-2 –type bool –set /apps/brasero/display/viewer false

To re-enable it using gconftool just change the key value in the end of the command to true.

Note: double hyphen is used before type and set in the above command.